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I hate carving pumpkins

I love fall, like every other young mom here in Utah. Yes, I do like the pumpkin spice....everything, but I refrain. I limit myself to 1 pumpkin shake, and 1-2 pieces of pumpkin pie. Along with all things pumpkin, I love the crisp fall air, wearing hoodies, beautiful leaves, and just PUMPKINS. Now, understand me when I say I love pumpkins and NOT carving pumpkins. Pumpkins come in such unique colors, shapes, and sizes, and are just great for decorating. They also make for fantastic shooting targets--they explode so nicely. I hate everything about carving pumpkins..... Gutting the pumpkin is cold, slimy, and sticky--not to mention messy (I HATE unnecessary messes--I probably could use some therapy). The actual act of carving never turns out how the picture tells me it will, all the little tiny parts break off, and unless I slather the thing in Vaseline (again, unnecessary mess), it shrivels up and rots in a matter of hours. The work to reward ratio is waaaay off. I need balance. Carving pumpkins does not give me balance. With all of that said, I still allow the kids to participate in the ridiculous tradition, as long as they don't ask for help, do it in the garage, and dispose of any evidence of this heinous act occurring on my property. So--today we took the jeep off the street and into the pumpkin patch. Chris set a rule back when the kids were little that they could have any pumpkin, as long as they can carry it. This is coming to bite us in the butt as Wyatt becomes of you can see, he's a decently strong fella, so pumpkins are getting expensive at our house. As we headed back to load the Jeep, we realized that Chris left the air compressor in the back....we made do, and all pumpkins made it home intact. Whew. Happy fall ya'll. I'm still working on the Gambler post, I should have it up this weekend.

Yes, we only bought 3 pumpkins....I decorate with fake pumpkins so that I don't have to spend a fortune every year. 

Over 70# of pumpkins in the wheelbarrow. 

This is from a year or two ago, but this is Chris's yearly "carve"....I'll admit, this looks really cool as it starts to shrivel up. 


  1. I too hate carving pumpkins for same reasons you eluded to. It must be a genetic thing. Thank goodness for cheap craft paint. It makes for better Frankensteins, ghosts, and other Halloweeny items anyway.


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